sgRNA-PSM: predict sgRNAs on-target activity based on Position Specific Mismatch

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Q1: What is the maximum number of input sequences?
A1: The maximum number of input sequences is 100.

Q2: What is the format of the query sequence?
A2: The query sequences must in FASTA format.

Q3: Does the web server allow user to input the sgRNA sequence in reverse-complementary order?
A3: Yes, the web server allows users to input sequences in reverse-complementary order ((N)3-CCN-(N)20-(N)4).

Q4: Does the web server allow users to input a longer sgRNA sequence?
A4: Yes, the web server allows users to input longer sequences (30~1000bp). It will detect all the possible sgRNAs, and predict their on-target activities.

Q5: What is the bottom line for low activity sgRNAs or high activity sgRNAs?
A5: The bottom line for low activity sgRNAs or high activity sgRNAs was set as 0.85.

Copyright@ By Liu Lab, Beijing Institute of Technology.

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