About ProtRe-CN

ProtRe-CN: Protein remote homology detection by combining classification methods and network methods via Learning to Rank
Motivation:Protein remote homology detection is one of fundamental research tasks for downstream analysis (i.e., protein structure and function prediction). Many advanced methods are proposed from different views with complementary detection ability, such as the classification method, the network method, and the ranking method. A framework integrating these heterogeneous methods is urgently desired to reduce the false positive rate and predictive bias
Results: We propose a novel ranking method called ProtRe-CN by fusing the classification methods and network methods via Learning to Rank. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset and the independent dataset show that ProtRe-CN outperformss other existing state-of-the-art predictors. ProtRe-CN improves the detective performance via correcting the false positives in the ranking list by combining the heterogeneous methods.
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