iEnhancer-EL: Identifying enhancers and their strength with ensemble learning approach

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  Establishing a user-friendly web server is the last step in Chou’s five-step rule for developing a useful predictor. This is particularly important for the vast majority of experimental scientists. Inspired by a series of recent studies, the web server for iEnhancer-EL has been established as well. Moreover, a step-by-step guide on how to use it to get the desired results is shown as follows:

  Step 1. Open the web-server at Click on the Read Me button to see a brief introduction about the server.

  Step 2. You can type or copy and paste the query DNA sequence in to the input blank, and can also upload the data by Choose File button. The sequence uploaded should be in the FASTA format. For more information of FASTA format, please see the example by clicking the Example button.

  Step 3. Click on the Submit button to see the predicted result. For example, if you use the example sequence to run the web server, you will see that: (1) the first query sequence contains nine strong enhancers: sub-sequences 1—200, 2—201, 3—202, 4—203, 5—204, 6—205, 7—206, 8—207 and 9—208; (2) the second query sequence contains one strong enhancer at sub-sequence 1—200; (3) both the third and fourth query sequences contain one weak enhancer at sub-sequence 1—200; (4) the fifth and sixth query sequences contain no enhancer. All these predicted results are fully consistent with experimental observations.

  Step 4. You can download the predicted results into a file by clicking the Download button on the results page.

Copyright@By Liu Lab,Beijing Institute of Technology.

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