ProtDec-LTR 2.0

An improved method for protein remote homology detection by combining pseudo protein and supervised learning to rank

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Please cite the following papers when using the server and data at this website:

1. Liu B, Chen J, Wang X: Application of Learning to Rank to protein remote homology detection. Bioinformatics 2015, 31(21):3492-3498. (PMID: 26163693, cited by 44)
2. Liu B, Zhang D, Xu R, Xu J, Wang X, Chen Q, Dong Q, Chou K-C: Combining evolutionary information extracted from frequency profiles with sequence-based kernels for protein remote homology detection. Bioinformatics 2014, 30(4):472-479. (PMID: 24318998, cited by 162)
3. Chen J, Guo M, Li S et al. ProtDec-LTR2. 0: An improved method for protein remote homology detection by combining pseudo protein and supervised Learning to Rank. Bioinformatics 2017; 33:3473–3476.

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen.

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